Cappy Shapiro, MSW, LICSW

Clinic Name:

Femme & Them, PLLC

Street Address:

1204 4th Ave E, STE 3

Olympia, WA 98506

Phone Number:
360 450-4405
Email Address:
Does this provider identify as transgender, gender nonconforming, non-binary or otherwise not cisgender?

Response not available.

Does this provider identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, pansexual or otherwise not heterosexual?

Response not available.

Does this provider identify as a person of color?

Response not available.

What are this provider's credentials?



Mental Health

Speciality Notes:

Response not available.

Sliding Scale:



Response not available.

Does this provider accept Medicaid?


What Medicaid plans do they work with?

Response not available.

Does this provider accept Medicare?


This provider has expertise in working with these particular populations:

Response not available.

Any languages, besides English, that the provider speaks:


How long has this provider been treating transgender and gender nonconforming patients?

10+ years

Extra steps beyond informed consent required to access gender affirming care:

Response not available.

Does this provider use intake forms which include a patient's chosen name (as opposed to their legal name) and gender pronouns?

Response not available.

Does this clinic have protocols for tracking chosen name in the medical record, and using this name in all communications with patient?

Response not available.

Does this clinic have gender neutral bathrooms?

Response not available.

Description of bathrooms:

Response not available.

Is this clinic ADA Compliant?


Have the staff members completed any transgender competency training?

Response not available.

Have the staff members completed any racial justice or anti-racist training?

Response not available.