About the Shelter and Housing Guide:
Ingersoll’s Economic Justice Fellowship is a program with the overall goal of advancing economic justice for trans and gender diverse communities. Fellows created this guide of housing-based and other holistic resources for our trans and gender diverse communities.
We, as a group of trans and gender diverse folks putting this guide together, recognize that many of these resources are not long term solutions. Many of them are unsafe, inaccessible, and have been harmful to our communities in both the past and present. Knowing that, we also know that our communities are resilient, that our communities have and will continue to leverage these resources the best we can to live the lives we deserve to live. We have done our best to vet the resources included in this guide, and look forward to a world in which all trans and gender diverse folks are housed, safe, and able to make decisions around their needs in ways that centers their self-determination.
We want to offer our heartfelt thanks to our Economic justice Fellows who led the work to create this guide especially Shuixian and Terra and Grayson who supported them in that work - thank you!
Download the Shelter & Housing Guide here.