Queer the Census Storytime

Join us Saturday, August 8th at 12:30pm for Queer the Census Storytime!
Stories about the Census will be read in Spanish and English and information about why the Census 2020 is important for the LGBTQ+ community. This is a children-friendly event! Get to know more about LGBTQ+ community organizations supporting the Census 2020 and how to BE COUNTED!

Register at https://ingersoll.typeform.com/to/U7VMJVQK


Focus on the Out Breath: Corporeal Poetry – Poetry Class for Trans Veterans


In partnership with Path with Art - Focus on the Out Breath: Corporeal Poetry
A poetry workshop series for Trans Veterans

In this two-session workshop, readings and exercises will draw on the poetic potential of the body (its various parts &wholes). Prompts will offer unique entry points into the body as a site of revelation, reclamation, & self discovery. Through exploration and experimentation our writing will flow from an expanded, fully embodied sense of self.

WrylyT.McCutchen is a hybrid writer,interdisciplinary performer, communityeducator, and 2018 LAMBDA Fellow inpoetry. Their debut poetry collection, MyUgly and Other Love Snarls, was publishedin 2017 by University of Hell press.

September 15 & 22
Online via Zoom

To register, contact So'le Celestial - call (206) 849-7859 or email so'le@ingersollgendercenter.org


Trans Week of Awareness Kickoff Brunch and Fundraiser!

Join us for a ticketed gathering with a program of trans and gender diverse leaders, elders, and artists to celebrate the transgender and gender diverse community to kick off Trans Week of Awareness. This event is a fundraiser featuring a catered brunch (provided by Cafe Flora, available and delivered to guests in Seattle), with all…


Trans Movie Night

Join us for a Trans Movie Night for 2020 Trans Awareness Week! This event is free and open to all who are interested in attending ❤

RSVP at http://bit.ly/transmovienight for login information

We'll be watching TRANSFINITE, a sci-fi omnibus feature film composed of seven standalone short stories where supernatural trans and queer people from various cultures use their powers to protect, love, teach, fight and thrive.

Interested in supporting our Trans Week of Awareness programming? Make a personally meaningful donation at https://bit.ly/donate-ingersoll


QLaw Legal Info Session and Knowledge Sharing

Join QLaw Foundation and Ingersoll Gender Center in an info and community knowledge sharing session focused on healthcare and employment discrimination. This event will inform participants of their rights for both healthcare and employment, and more importantly will hold space for community to share their circumstances and get advice from others in the room.

You can RSVP via https://bit.ly/2020lt. If you have specific questions, please add them to your RSVP to help us better plan for answering questions regarding to your situation!

If you have any questions about this event please contact Coco via email at coco@ingersollgendercenter.org

Thank you to our Trans Awareness Week Sponsors:
- Fred Hutch Rainbow Employees for Equity


Gender Affirming Healthcare: A Panel with Healthcare Providers

Join us for a panel discussion: Gender Affirming Healthcare for 2020 Trans Awareness Week! This event is free and open to all who are interested in attending ❤

RSVP at https://bit.ly/2020gac for login information
We'll be joined by three Healthcare Providers who provide Gender Affirming Healthcare – if you have any questions, write them in the RSVP or be ready to ask questions in the comments! ❤

- Moderated by our Healthcare Access Manager, Mattie Mooney
Panelists TBA

Thank you to our Trans Awareness Week Sponsors:
- Fred Hutch Rainbow Employees for Equity
Interested in supporting our Trans Week of Awareness programming? Make a personally meaningful donation at https://bit.ly/donate-ingersoll

Trans Cultural Competency – Free Employer Training

In an effort to create better work environments for transgender and gender diverse community in Washington, we are offering a free 2 hour training on Trans Cultural Competency for local employers. We hope to build relationships with employers through offering an opportunity to learn about what it means to be transgender, the systemic barriers that transgender folks face while navigating employment, and ways that employers can disrupt transphobia in their own companies and organizations.

You can RSVP via the link attached (http://bit.ly/2020et). If you're unable to attend this time around, please take a look at our training and technical assistance program online or reach out to us via email at info@ingersollgendercenter.org for more information on different opportunities.

If you have any questions about this training opportunity please contact our Programs Director, Lee, via email at lee@ingersollgendercenter.org


Trans Intergenerational Voices Panel Discussion

Join us for a panel discussion: Intergenerational Voices for 2020 Trans Awareness Week! This event is free and open to all who are interested in attending ❤

RSVP at http://bit.ly/2020igp for login information

We'll be joined by up to six trans and gender diverse panelists; panelists to be announced soon!!

Interested in supporting our Trans Week of Awareness programming? Make a personally meaningful donation at https://bit.ly/donate-ingersoll

Thank you to our Trans Awareness Week Sponsors:
- Fred Hutch Rainbow Employees for Equity
